With a multitude of apps available, people of all ages can enjoy the iphone. Both young children and elderly adults can find applications and features on the phone that will keep them entertained. Read this article for more information about the features the iPhone offers you and your family.

You should only save videos that you are going to be viewing later on your iPhone. When you are finished watching a video, you receive a prompt about whether you want to take the video off the phone. Choose this in order to free up space.

Always remember to update your OS anytime a new version comes out. The reason you want to keep it updated is that Apple is constantly releasing patches and fixes for bugs within the phone. This is even more important if your phone contains any personal information.

You can help yourself stay organized Using Your IPhone The Way It Was Meant To Be Used by using the iPhone calendar. You can make it more efficient by directly adding your events rather than using the + button. Go to the “Day” view. Then press on the hour you want to schedule an event for. This creates a new event listing. You will free up more time for other things!

Avoid exposing your iPhone to the sun. If it is in direct sunlight for a long time, you could find yourself owning a ruined device. Internal components are designed to sustain normal temperatures, so direct exposure to sunlight can be hazardous.

When your phone is locked, you will still see incoming messages. This can be a positive or a negative, depending on your preference. If it is not to your liking, there is an option to remove this facility. Access settings, select “notifications” and then enter the “messages” option. The feature you need to turn off is the Show Preview option.

Do you get annoyed by receiving so many notifications on your iPhone? There is a way to easily turn off the notifications. Begin by selecting the settings button, then tap the notifications bar. Look at your apps under “In Notification Center” to remove any you don’t want. This will also help your battery to last longer.

You don’t need to scroll forever if you’re looking at a lot of text. Just tap the bar on the top of the screen and it will bring you back up to the beginning of the page.

Marking emails as unread is easy with an iPhone. First, go to Details, then click on the “Unread” button. When you access your mail, the message will still appear to be unread.

Use Apple tutorials to make the most of your iPhone experience. They offer excellent step by step instructions on many of the most questioned areas of iPhone usage. If you have any questions, just check the tutorials, and you’ll soon be able to do everything you need to with your phone.

You should now Using Your IPhone The Way It Was Meant To Be Used understand some of the fun customizations available for your Using Your IPhone The Way It Was Meant To Be Used iPhone. With all of this information in mind, nothing can hold you back from telling everyone how great the iPhone is.