Iphones are more than phones, they are devices that allow you to experience life in a whole new light. If you would like to use your phone to the best of its ability, you have to read this article to find out more.

Should corporate gifts your iPhone fall in water, wait before trying to turn it on. Let it dry out as much as possible before attempting to turn the power on. Turning on a wet phone causes a short circuit that may destroy your phone forever.

Do not keep lots of movies stored on the iPhone. A full movie uses up about a gigabyte of storage space. Having more than one movie can take up so much space that it could cause your iPhone to function improperly. Another downfall is that it can create glitches within your various apps.

Don’t waste any time keying in “.com” (or any other TLD) on the end of URLs when you’re browsing the Internet on your iPhone. As long as you punch in the body of the website address, your browser will be able to locate the site you’re looking for. It might not seem like that much of a time-saver, but there is no reason to type it if you don’t have too.

Make sure you use your iPhone connector cord carefully because they can damage easily. When it is time to disconnect the power cord, do it gently. If you care for your cord, it could last as long as a year.

Have a little fun playing with your iPhone. Unstructured experimentation with your iPhone will make you more comfortable with it, and you’ll probably discover some useful features on your own. It will probably take you hours or even days to become fully acquainted with its capabilities, but messing around with it and having fun will allow you to get the most out of this useful device.

Do not lose the guarantee paperwork and considering an insurance policy for your iPhone can be a wise decision. This guarantee and insurance will cover you in case something goes wrong. It is also a great idea to prevent external damage with the use of a quality iPhone case.

You can scroll through your contacts in three ways on the iPhone. You can scroll through the list with your finger, tap a letter to jump there or press your finger lightly on the list. The last way allows for quick scrolling of the entire list.

Did you know that any website you visit can be made into an app? When you are on the site there are a couple of things you have to do. Then tap the “Go” button. An option to add the website onto the home screen will appear. After the shortcut appears on the homepage, you have the option of renaming it.

Hopefully this article has shown you some amazing new ways to put your iPhone to good use in your daily life. Just make sure you remember every tip you learned so you can apply them all.